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Current Newsletter
Not-for-Profit Newsletter – Edition 22
For those with 31 December financial reporting requirements, this edition includes a summary of key financial reporting focus areas. Following on from previous editions that covered cyber-security matters, this edition also includes a few cyber-security, managing data, and privacy items. We also cover several governance and compliance matters, and ACNC related items including a summary of governance standards that deal with how charities should operate.
Past Newsletters
Not-for-Profit Newsletter - Edition 21
With the 2023/24 financial year reporting season upon us, this edition includes important information on financial reporting updates and new requirements. Following on from previous editions that covered cyber-security matters, this edition includes information about a recent publication that provides guidance to assist NFPs strengthen their cybersecurity resilience. This edition also covers a number of governance and compliance matters, and ACNC activities.
Not-for-Profit Newsletter - Edition 20
Following our previous edition that noted some high profile examples of organisations that have been impacted by cyber-attacks, this edition covers some cyber-security tips and how to respond to cyber-attacks. This edition also covers a number of changes to workplace laws that organisations need to be aware of. We have also included a number of governance and director-related matters and ACNC activities.
Not-for-Profit Newsletter - Edition 19
This edition covers some high profile examples of organisations that have been impacted by cyber-attacks, highlighting the need for NFPs to carefully manage their cyber security settings. We also highlight a number of charities that have entered enforceable undertakings with the Fair Work Ombudsman in respect to the under payment of wages. This edition also covers recent ACNC activities, several compliance related matters, and ASIC focus areas in respect to the 31 December financial reporting period.
Not-for-Profit Newsletter - Edition 18
With the 2022-23 reporting season for charities continuing, we a reminder about the required reporting of related-party transactions and note that the ACNC will be enhancing the monitoring of disclosures. This edition also covers other ACNC activities, several compliance related matters, and information for some types of Deductible Gift Recipients.
Not-for-Profit Newsletter - Edition 17
With the 2022-23 reporting season upon us, we start with some important updates about the reporting of related-party transactions. We also outline some key financial reporting focus areas to be aware of. Given recent cyber events, the ACNC has released new guidelines to assist charities in managing cyber security. This edition also covers other ACNC activities and several compliance and fundraising matters.
Not-for-Profit Newsletter - Edition 16
This edition covers several governance and compliance considerations including self-assessing income tax exemptions, fundraising rules, and cybersecurity matters. In respect to financial reporting, we have included information about related-party transactions. There are also a number of items relating to ACNC and government activities.
Not-for-Profit Newsletter - Edition 15
This edition covers several governance and compliance considerations including self-assessing income tax exemptions, deductible gift recipient registration requirements, and cyber security matters. In respect to financial reporting, we have included details of the latest ASIC focus areas and updates to accounting standards. There are also a number of items relating to ACNC and government activities.
Not-for-Profit Newsletter - Edition 14
This edition covers several governance considerations including cybersecurity, AGMs and procurement. We have also included a reminder of the Director Identification Number requirements. There are also a number of items relating to various compliance matters, and ACNC and government guidance.
Not-for-Profit Newsletter - Edition 13
This edition covers important changes to financial reporting requirements for charities around financial statement disclosures, reporting thresholds, key focus areas and lodgment extensions. We have also included a reminder of the Director Identification Number requirements. There are also a number of items relating to various governance and compliance matters, and ACNC publications and activities.